Member-only story
Stuck somewhere!!!!
Pain changes people. If they want to talk to you, they will. If they want to be with you, they will. If they want to make things work, they will. Don’t let any relationship you’re involved in be one-sided. It’s not healthy and it’s not fair for you.
I was always the type of person who couldn’t care less about friendship, love, and relationships. Until lately I feel tired of not having a permanent home. I’m tired of going out with someone I don’t have deep feelings for. I’m also sick and tired of being taken for granted by the ones I do have feelings for. I’m tired of this endless karma cycle of treating someone who genuinely loved me poorly while chasing after someone who didn’t care about me after all.
I never realized how lucky people who are in love are, not many people are privileged enough to experience that kind of love. A person who seems to be heartless is the one who loves the most. A person who acts emotionless is someone who feels the most.
The more you are familiar with something, the less you value it. The easier something comes to you, the higher the chance for it to be taken for granted. Maybe that’s the reason there’s a saying "easy come easy go". When love comes too easy, the less you value it. For the people like me who rarely experience this thing called “love”, we highly value it. We crave little things, but those who find love easily or jump from one relationship to another might forget how special it is.
Sometimes people who are used to these things, take them for granted. They forget that it is such a blessing to be able to experience love and affection. They forget that not everyone is blessed with such a person who seems to be heartless but loves you the most.
But still!!:-I want the same person over and over again.